Screen Distortion Rain

i won’t stop having this error for some reason:

Here the script:

local RainModule = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('ScreenRain'))

local Settings: {[string]: number | Color3} = {
	Rate = 5, -- Spawn rate (droplets/second)
	Size = 0.08, -- Average droplet size
	Tint = Color3.fromRGB(226, 244, 255), -- Droplet colour
	Fade = 1.5, -- Time to fade out
	UpdateFreq = 1 / 45, -- Update frequency

	local Enabled = true

in a local script

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You must use :Enable() not .Enable().


yeah sorry i forgot to say that i fixed the bug sorry! i confused javascript with lua

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wow!!! i love this :slight_smile: might use it in a game

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How do I activate the rain and screen distortion? Sorry if this is obvious, I am new to this.


Anyone have an asset link as physical demonstration?

I see no video, that don’t exist or private :face_with_monocle:

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DevForum lost all the videos! No idea what happened there

Definitely going to use this in a game! This module is amazing.

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could you post the particle rain script?

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Hey to others using this in the future, using depth of field works really well with this, and creates a blur on the particles which is more realistic

  • No more TweenService usage

Can you provide some sort of alternative then? when the rain drops dissapear they look kind of odd

They still tween, it’s just lerped with manual math instead of relying on TweenService to reduce overhead. Also, this project is considered complete and has not received updates in years.

Maybe I shouldve been more clear, in the video of your original post it shows when the raindrops dissapear they have a smooth transition of being despawned, where the current version just makes the raindrops dissapear and it somewhat bothers me

What is your Fade time set to? Try increasing it

I dunno if it’s intended, but if the graphics quality is set to 7 or less, the droplets dont appear:

But if you turn the graphics quality up to 8, 9 or 10, they do show up

If it is intended, is there a way to make the droplets appear for all graphic qualities?

This happens because ROBLOX disables the glass effect on lower graphics qualities to boost performance on low performance devices.