Script can't locate object even though it's there

Wait, if you are trying to find a Player’s backpack item you should be looking in their Character backpack in the Workspace.

No, things only go to the character if the player holds it, and this is only applicable to tools.

Yes, but as I understand it Players is the container that holds the information about each Player that is loaded into that container, but the Character is the actual Player’s avatar that is moving around the Workspace and has been Spawned from the Players container.

If you refer to Players you aren’t going to change the Value for the Avatar currently in the Workspace.

It’s a BoolValue instance which is cloned into the player’s backpack each time their character spawns/reloads.

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I’d recommend just placing the BoolValue instance in a more suitable location like the ReplicatedStorage folder.

I’m having the same problem detecting a boolvalue from a character, It doesn’t detect it after the player died and respawned. has anyone fixed this?

Sounds like you’re assigning the boolvalue to the player in the workspace (not in the Player service) and referencing it in the script, but when the player dies that reference in the script isn’t being switched to the new player in the workspace.

I searched “script doesn’t work after player dies” and got quite a few hits like this one: Script doesn't work when player dies

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Hello, thanks for the responses. That was indeed the problem I had and have solved it earlier. Thank you!

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