Script doesnt register TextBox text

I really hope youre joking, like I really do.

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that looks right :+1:.
I think that using remotes is your best option considering you can just rely on the server!

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I honestly dont know what your going for I took time out of my day to look into what ur doing lol thanks for the respect my guy

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Bruh, seriously? He’s talking about colour of in-game Text, not script colours. Please read context before posting…

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thanks my g I didnt need ur input?

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Nor did they need yours on “How To Change Colors Of Text In ROBLOX STUDIO { 2020 }”, but thanks.

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I looked through it again and found my mistake on the post

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Well thanks for explaining me but I still dont understand like what to put where the “data” is.

Like should player.PlayerGui.LoadoutGui.Loadout.SpawnMenu.Loadout.RGB.Text be in there.

Or should

target.Color = Color3(color)

be in “-- stuff here”

Sorry but I literally just dont understand it.

Im used to logical thinking and this has no logic to it at all for me.

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You would put the TextBox’s Text there. (player.PlayerGui.LoadoutGui.Loadout.SpawnMenu.Loadout.RGB.Text)

It should.

Most stuff doesn’t make much sense unless you look deeper into it.

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I guess you used script instead of local script

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That would be a good guess I would say.

Not really a guess since its literally there in the post description.

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i don’t understand your problem. People already said to use remote events and that is a correct answer

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The problem is that my 2 brain cells cant understand remote events so someone is explaining it to me.

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You create 3 instances: local script,remote event and normal script. In normal script you make a function that handles local request with function RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent(player,data):Connect(function())
and in local script you fire the function with RemoteEvent:FireServer(data)

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That’s why you need to do it from a LocalScript.

I actually tried using remote events before I made this post.

This is the error message that I got then too.

Alright Im gonna tell you what happens once I try that.

You think this will work?

	RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent(function(player, data)
		value.Value = RGB1

You need to put that in a regular script and change the RGB1 to data. Also remove the wait, why is it there?