Script doesn't seem to work

So I made this daily reward feature in a game that I’m working on, and it doesn’t seem to work. The Gui doesn’t even show up. There are no errors in the output, and there are no red lines in the script.

local dss = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local gamePass = 13668893  -- Change this to your game pass ID
local dailyRewardDS = dss:GetDataStore("DailyRewards")

local rewardsForStreak = 
		[1] = 5,
		[2] = 15,
		[3] = 25,
		[4] = 50,
		[5] = 75,
		[6] = 100,
		[7] = 150,

	local success, dailyRewardInfo = pcall(function()
		return dailyRewardDS:GetAsync(plr.UserId .. "-DailyRewards")
	if type(dailyRewardInfo) ~= "table" then dailyRewardInfo = {nil, nil, nil} end
	local cash = (plr.leaderstats.Points)
	cash.Value = dailyRewardInfo[1] or 0
	local lastOnline = dailyRewardInfo[2]
	local currentTime = os.time()
	local timeDifference
	if lastOnline then	
		timeDifference = currentTime - lastOnline
	if not timeDifference or timeDifference >= 24*60*60 then
		local streak = dailyRewardInfo[3] or 1
		local reward = rewardsForStreak[streak]
		local dailyRewardGui = plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("DailyRewardGui")
		local mainGui = dailyRewardGui:WaitForChild("MainGui")
		local claimBtn = mainGui:WaitForChild("ClaimButton")
		local rewardLabel = mainGui:WaitForChild("RewardLabel")
		dailyRewardGui.Enabled = true
			cash.Value = cash.Value + reward
			dailyRewardGui.Enabled = false
			local streak = streak + 1
			if streak > 7 then streak = 1 end
			local success, errormsg = pcall(function()
				dailyRewardDS:SetAsync(plr.UserId .. "-DailyRewards", {cash.Value, os.time(), streak})
	elseif timeDifference then
		wait((24*60*60) - timeDifference)
		if game.Players:FindFirstChild(plr) then
			local streak = dailyRewardInfo[3] or 1
			local reward = rewardsForStreak[streak]
			local dailyRewardGui = plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("DailyRewardGui")
			local mainGui = dailyRewardGui:WaitForChild("MainGui")
			local claimBtn = mainGui:WaitForChild("ClaimButton")
			dailyRewardGui.Enabled = true
				cash.Value = cash.Value + reward
				if gamePass then
					reward = reward/2
				dailyRewardGui.Enabled = false
				local streak = streak + 1
				if streak > 7 then streak = 1 end
					dailyRewardDS:SetAsync(plr.UserId .. "-DailyRewards", {cash.Value, os.time(), streak})
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Did you try adding prints every few lines to narrow down the issue?

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Firstly, handle all UI on the client.

saying nil does nothing, that line equals empty table {}

where is a leaderstats folder and a “Points” value created?

“plr” is a player instance, :FindFirstChild() takes the name of the child, also this line is completely unnecessary because you already have the player.

Lastly, you don’t save the time when the player leaves.

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For the second question, we already have a points system, so this line is just accessing it.

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Thanks, I found out what the problem was and I fixed it. But for some reason, the part of the script where it says divide by 2 if they have the gamepass doesn’t work. It does not divide the reward by two. Do you know why?


You still should handle all gui’s on the client and use RemoteEvents