Script Editor Lag

For some reason, I have been experiencing an insane amount of lag in the script editor.
My script is not even long. It’s only 1400 lines which shouldn’t cause any lag.
I’m not sure if this is a script editor bug, or whether I am somehow doing something wrong.

Just trying to write a simple string makes Roblox Studio crash.

Does anyone know what possibly could be happening?

Could it be related to this bug?

It’s possible, but the guy on that topic made a script with 22,000 lines of code. My script is only 1,400.

What are your PC specs? Studio might be overloading your RAM causing it to crash. I am assuming it varies from person to person.

My specs:
8 GB of RAM
Intel(R) Core™ i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.99 GHz
I doubt that’s very good as my computer is pretty old now.

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8 GB of RAM isn’t a lot, especially considering Studio can have huge memory leaks with this bug, with even using 2GB of your total (useable) RAM, causing Windows to freak out and forcefully shutting down the application.

Try reinstalling studio. I’ve had this before and I reinstalled and on my end it got fixed.

Yeah, do you suggest I get a new computer? If so how much RAM should it have?

I reinstalled studio but the problem still occurs.

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You definitely shouldn’t worry about your computer, since the specs exceed the minimum requirements to run Studio. Have you tried splitting the script into smaller ones, using modules, and reducing spaghetti code?

I have tried using another script to write the code in and then transfer the code to my main script but even that is pretty annoying because sometimes it crashes. I haven’t tried using a module but that might be a good idea.

I’m assuming you mean unnecessary lines of code which might be the best idea since there is a lot of repetitive lines of code.

My script editor starts lagging at around 200-300 lines of code, and disabling autocomplete fixes it, although I chose to leave it enabled and endure the lag.

It seems to be happening when there’s many characters on one line for me. It depends on the size of the script, and it’s really frustrating!

The messier the code, the laggier it is.

While the only good thing about this is that exploiters can’t view the script and unable to decompile it because of it’s huge lag, but still a down for us.

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Sounds like a deobfuscation thing you’re talking about? Well, I don’t think it depends on how many lines you have, but how many variables, functions, and whatnot the autocomplete has to keep track of?

How do you turn off AutoComplete?

Haha yeah, I guess that is one good thing about this.

Now things have gotten worse. Turning off autocomplete helped the lag a little, but now when I try and save the game this happens:

I myself have 8 gb ram, and I don’t have these issues in a 2k line of code, maybe switch to visual studio code, very worth.

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Does Visual Studio code have auto-complete?

if you install the Roblox lsp extension it will have a slightly worse auto complete but has better features like directly defining the service without Writing the variable and etc

Without extension, it’s even worse.

Can you send me the download for Visual Studio?

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