Script Editor: Luau-Powered Autocomplete & Language Features Beta

Great update, it will make scripting much easier.
But I do not enjoy the font of this at all.


this is so usefull great update. but i do not like the font at all


Dammn this is soooo usefull update, Thanks to every devs that working on it !
I love this update really !

Super cool stuff, I see this being very useful. Not too sure about the new autocomplete interface though.

I’m very happy with the arrival of autocompletion and its Luau technology, it will make my life and the lives of others much easier, I had to use the object browser all the time because my PC doesn’t run Visual Studio Code and Roblox Studio on Same time. It will be much better now :slight_smile:


This doesn’t look right with me, the autotype frame is only showing class names rather than the actual names, It should show name and then class names unless the class name is equal to the name

new(Time: number?, Enum.EasingStyle, Enum.EasingDirection, RepeatCount: number, Reverses: boolean, DelayTime: number).

Imagine if was just a new developer who just learned tweenService and I completed have no clue why it keeps Reverses or repeating


This is most likely the best script editor update released so far this year, thank you very much! Studio’s autocomplete before this wasn’t very useful as most of the time it would not show anything at all, so this is a huge improvement over that.

Something I noticed is that this also fixed a long-standing bug where services not named after their classes (such as RunService and UserInputService) did not show autocomplete information. Now they do, thank you!

One question I have is regarding the order of suggestions. Right now it looks like it sorts them semi-alphabetically with a fuzzy search biasing it, but this means that some uncommonly used members are highlighted before more common members. For example, game:GetActor() is highlighted before game:GetService() and Player.Changed is highlighted over Player.Character:


It’s usually more likely for me to pick Character and not Changed in this case, so this does break my flow a little. Does the order of these suggestions change over time as we use the editor more? If not, could the weights of these more relevant members be tuned so they show up first more often?


Doesn’t seem to be working with functions placed into dictionaries!
heres the definition, CVS_Present is a function

heres it failing to autocomplete it.
do note the function is placed into the dictionary from another scope!


This is reaching levels of the RobloxLSP extension in VS Code which is definitely awesome!

I wonder if the problems where autocomplete would suggest completely unrelated services (such as typing ser and autocompleting with AnalyticsService) is fixed.

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I did some investigating on this and it turns out it actually does have the correct typing for the connected function but fails to automatically type it, nonstrict or strict.

I’ve only checked ChildAdded and Heartbeat but it’s safe to say they probably already have the correct definitions for the most common events, its just not being recognized for whatever reason. Pretty disappointing though since this would make my life so much easier.


I actually would like to see some general studio performance optimisations. Currently, my computer completely tanks when having more than 4 studio places open at any given time. I understand that these places are rather large, however my system specs are reasonable enough and shouldn’t expect to see studio tanking as much as it does.

It would be nice if we could see some performance gain on the overall software. I like this new addition though, it will certainly help out newer programmers and ease of progress.


I get the message Key 'Event' not found in ReplicatedStorage when I use Type Checking this code:

local ReplicatedStorage : ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")


Even though it exists:

However, if I remove Type Checking, it doesn’t give me that message.

Is this intentional behavior?


Love the new feature! However, not a fond of this font, maybe make it the default font used in studio overall?


Well the reason is that type ReplicatedStorage and type of ReplicatedStorage you see in explorer are actually different as the original ReplicatedStorage type doesn’t account for children or parents.

Though this kinda annoys me when I can’t seal the type of a variable.


Please, how do i switch it offf its TOO big!


You just turn this beta feature off.


Indexing for children via . is bad practice anyway – but if you really wanted to, you could probably do something like:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") :: (ReplicatedStorage & {
    Event: BindableEvent,
    -- add more as you go i guess

so you get better autocomplete.

(by the way, annotating the type of the variable in your example is unnecessary, due to type inference)


It’s really cool that this feature is getting an overhaul.
One bug that’s been “bugging” me is that when you index an instance with [ ], autocomplete will act up. This hasn’t been fixed in this new version.




Already Love This Update, It Feel Like Studio Is Finally Advancing!

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This feels like you are scripting with Windows PowerShell.