hold on. did you add them like boolvalue.value == true? are they if state or itself a line. because i had to double look,
For the gamemode, yes:
For the modifiers, I forgot, but I edited it in now on the original reply:
so that why boolvalue was mysteriously true?
I don’t think so. My script is different from yours, but does the same thing, so this might be different there.
i just realized that
this is script causing this. okay whatever i gonna rid of this, then replace voting but thank you for making my script readable
local advancedGame = workspace.system["Roblox Stuff"].AdvancedGamemode:GetChildren()
local gamemodefolder = script.Parent.Gamemode
for _, part in pairs(gamemodefolder:GetDescendants()) do
if part:IsA("TextLabel") then
local generated = advancedGame[math.random(1,#advancedGame)]
local static = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("static")
if static then
static.Visible = false
generated.Value = true
part.Text = generated.Name
It would have been good to know this in the past 3 hours while making a new script, but no problem
it one of script that label on each block’s Screen