Script no working

hi inglish is not first language, i have problem the script, i dont know what wrong,
i make script check when equip tool. but it eror, help

here eror

im new to script, sory for bad englis :pray:
i dont understand inglish fery wel… pls no judge,…

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systax error. YOU MUST USE ENGLISH for script, except comment

lokal -> local
skrip -> script

You need to use english, use google translator for what you write.

Lua use english, not other languages.

Instead of indonesian use english, and try watch some tutorials.

lokal is local.
skrip is script.
orangtua is parent.
I’m not sure what do you mean with salah, I think Workspace.

and what does the script do? I don’t understant the part:

memakai and tidakdipakai

Nice troll post bro :pray::sob:

“dont know english” sure

Ngl I had a laugh, but please stop littering this forum with junk. People aren’t here to see silly stuff like this.


Post linked could have been translated from a different language into English using google translate. It is definitely suspicious, especially that there’s a properly formatted script in the post but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. Shame on OP if he is just trying to waste peoples time.

LuaU merupakan bahasa pemrograman berbasis bahasa Inggris, sehingga tidak mendukung bahasa Indonesia.
Mencoba menggunakan Google Terjemahan untuk mengonversi kode menghasilkan teks yang ambigu, sehingga diasumsikan kode di bawah ini.

local alat = script.Parent -- skrip = script, orangtua = parent
local sedangDiPakai = false-- salah = false

alat.memakai:Connect(function() -- koneksi = Connect, fungsi = function,  makai = (TBD)
	sedangDiPakai = true -- benar = true
end) -- akhir = end

alat.tidakDiPakai:Connect(function() -- tidakDiPakai = (TBD)
	sedangDiPakai = false

This post was translated using Google Translate. Some will not interpret the way I expected them to.

Original Translation:

LuaU is an English-based programming language, so it does not support Indonesian.
Trying to use Google Translate to convert the code results in ambiguous text, so the code below is assumed.

local alat = script.Parent -- skrip = script, orangtua = parent
local sedangDiPakai = false-- salah = false

alat.memakai:Connect(function() -- koneksi = Connect, fungsi = function,  makai = (TBD)
	sedangDiPakai = true -- benar = true
end) -- akhir = end

alat.tidakDiPakai:Connect(function() -- tidakDiPakai = (TBD)
	sedangDiPakai = false

thank so much, very good explaination, im understand now,