Script Not Loading Without Task.Wait(10)

Real. Oh i see so if that wasnt the case the server could access player gui though right?

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Oh got it then, you are pro at scripting though;

That’s what I was trying to say

Not really, me just being on vacation with poor wifi so the only thing I can on to is devforum and documentation helped me learn a bit lol, though, yes I had a lot of experience with scripting

Thank you much. Why is the ui made after the playeradded event fires?

“not really” lol you joking xd

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What does this mean? Also, what errors are you getting?

Because, if the player wasn’t added before the ui was replicated to the player, then WHO does it replicate to?

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No errors just loading of parts of the ui.

OHHHHH! Thank you!!hdjdshdhgfjdjdj

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I’m guessing profile is being added too late? Why don’t you have a bindable that fires when a players profile is added to the dictionary and you can connect to that?

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Actually that makes more sense then what i thought was happening. Thank you. This is it.

For some reason when I reset the Level Value and xP value of the gui disappear, any thoughts?

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