Script Presence Plugin

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Hello Roblox developers! When in Team Create, it’s currently impossible to know whether your collaborators are in world view or inside a script. Since I can’t file a feature request, I decided to make a plugin to help alleviate the issue!
This plugin will show your other developers the script that you are currently editing, and that’s pretty much it.


It may seem small, yet I definitely find it helpful to let others know what I’m working on. Let me know what you think!

Also this is my first resource so any feedback on posting would be good too


That’s a very nice plugin. Appreciate the effort.

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I would also recommend changing BillboardGui Active to false so it wont sink your inputs.

Idk why you would need it

This looks very useful to know if one of my developers are busy programming, and to know what script they’re programming.

I could possibly recommend my developers to use this.

The thought didn’t even cross my mind, thanks for pointing it out! It’s fixed in the newest release.

I am a solo developer so do you like pay developers to make games for you or like help you or something I dont understand?

I pay them, but I don’t have funds yet, so I’m making a game all by myself to start earning robux.

I would also suggest parenting the adornee to Terrain and cleaning it up, you can take a look at team create with hats plugin for a way to keep the workspace clear.

I already do parent the Adornee to Terrain, though what exactly do you mean by “cleaning it up”?

Cleaning it up whenever test play is launching or studio is closing. plugin.Unloading will fire whenever u close the studio, launch test play or any other reason. Bind adornee deletion to it and whenever plugin is launching, search for undeleted adornee instances before creating a new one.

Doesn’t Instance.Archivable = false already clean it up though? I’m pretty sure it makes it so it doesn’t save when studio closes

My bad.

Update 8/6/23

  • Added a new icon that displays if you’ve edited the script or if you’re just viewing it, it works by detecting a change once you’ve entered a script so states unfortunately reset once you switch tabs. It’s a bit rudimentary, but it should suffice for now.
  • Plugin now properly cleans up Adornee parts when unloading

Get it here!

ScriptPresenceView ScriptPresenceEdit

This is very cool! nice work :slight_smile: