Also just wanna test one more thing:
print the System variable
local System = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("MainModule"))
local Info = System.Ducks
Just to see if it actually requires the module.
Also just wanna test one more thing:
print the System variable
local System = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("MainModule"))
local Info = System.Ducks
Just to see if it actually requires the module.
It does require the module because when I get the table name it works perfectly fine.
Not a studio bug, tested it in game aswell.
Also might I ask, Is the Info Variable ~= nil
? if not you might wanna add a for loop instead of indexing.
Try printing the Info[1]
exactly after requiring it?
Info is not nil, if i do print(Info) it returns the table
Could be something to do with that. Ill look into it
Already tried printing it, returns nil.
Yes, but the values inside of it do. I’m wondering if its because the module script has the same [] as the [i] does and thats why its messing it up?
i think i may have found a way to do this!
lemme paste the code here
It breaks the loop if it is == to nil, and it is.
Try this code!
local System = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("MainModule"))
local Info = System.Ducks
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local function getIcon(BadgeId)
local success, badge = pcall(function()
return BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(BadgeId)
if success then
return badge
for i, v in pairs(Info) do
local badge = getIcon(v.BadgeId)
local Button = script.ImageButton:Clone()
Button.Name = v
Button.TextLabel.Text = v.Name
Button.Image = "rbxassetid://"..badge
Button.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
When you define the table, you use strings as indexes. You have Ducks.Ducks.Duck, which is tbh slightly confusing, which is probably what led to this.
Then you look for the item in index 1 in Ducks.Ducks, which doesn’t exist. It therefore correctly prints nil. Note that you do have Ducks.StarSystem but even there the index is a string “1”.
Good luck!
i prints the name of the value! Thank you.
As @Nonaz_jr said there might be a slight confusion within the module so I suggest you changing the Module variable table name to:
local Info = {}
Can you tell what v print out?
I changed it to Duckss.Ducks.Duck.
I don’t mind it.
v doesn’t print anything unless I do v.Name or v.Description.
Oh okay then! Hope you’ll be successful on your project! Good luck!
Thank you all for helping me!