Script wont kick all players [SOLVED]

It still doesn’t work ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Are you trying to kick the opposing team that lost or EVERYBODY in the game?

everybody that is in the game ----------------

And what is exactly not working? the value checker or the script that kicks everybody?

I’ve updated it and now it’s only a server script, cause I was told to do that.

It just doesn’t kick everybody

and it doesn’t print anything eithrer

Erm, is DeathPoll getting updated?

No, don’t do this. This only works because wait() MOST of the time returns a number. while true do task.wait() end is the best way (for when you need a while loop)

I am manually setting the value of deathpoll to 0

the version ur looking at is not current, refer to rip_Jeremys script

I know, that’s why I’m not replying to your or their post.

	if DeathPoll.Value == 0 or DeathPoll.Value < 0 then
		for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
			v:Kick("Game ended, because u killed the enemy team.")

how do i fix this??

On Client or Server? ----------

It’s a server script like u said

I mean are you changing the value from server or client?

I do it on both and it still doesnt work

Do you get any errors?

  1. ignore

Try putting the dealpoll value in starterplayer and change the script to this and see if it works

local DeathPoll = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.Value

	if DeathPoll.Value == 0 or DeathPoll.Value < 0 then
                    for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do

no wouldn’t that be in every playr

I only need one ------------------