local Capture = game.Workspace.CaptureSystem.Capturables.Capture.Capture
local ProximityPrompt = Capture.ProximityPrompt
its inside the workspace inside a few folders,inside a model and inside a mesh
local Capture = game.Workspace.CaptureSystem.Capturables.Capture.Capture
local ProximityPrompt = Capture.ProximityPrompt
its inside the workspace inside a few folders,inside a model and inside a mesh
i didn’t really send the full script, i can if you need me to but its working fine in solo test, i have no clue why its not working
Mm i maybe now why, its maybe you have local Humanoid and Character??
Okay, did you make sure there’s only one proximity prompt and not duplicates? Also, what does this mean?
How is it working fine only in the solo test?
on “play” and “play here” its working fine, but
on “start” which starts the server, or the team test, it does not work
@SubtotalAnt8185 I maybe now i have another problem in hare Problem with Points get in from Blocks In solo test But if i test in 2 players the have problem
Wait you can choice 2 player and more… and start
no local, its a server script, it sends data of the thumbnail to the local script on the imagebutton which only works in solo
That’s weird, it doesn’t look like it should have problems. Did you check server for errors?
I’ll respond to that one.
also there are no duplicates, there is only 1
yep but its buggy, i have scripts for players and it doesnt work in that, thats why i dont bother using that
yeah, no errors, it doesnt even print that the player triggered it
but it does print it in solo test
That’s weird. Does it trigger in a local script?
i haven’t tested if it can triggers in a local script
but the server script is the one that listen to it, i will try to write a small test on local rn
i just made a simple local script that prints when triggered, it worked in solo as always, does not work in team play, and no errors in the output
That’s very weird. Try just adding a print statement in the script itself. Does that work?
Yes, It printed it
Okay, it might be another issue. Do you have any other scripts that load maps or anything involving the proximity prompt?
I dont have any that im aware of, nor anything that affects the proximity prompt, only the server
also i have been reading the documents and i see the function “ProximityPromptService.PromptTriggered:Connect(onPromptTriggered)”
instead of the one in my script
maybe thats the case?