Scripter uhi_o portfolio

O haider

Yea so um nothing heree, :wink:

Have good day

1 Like

Updated some of my works check the hidden details (rotated triangle)!

How much is the inventory system?

The assets seen on my portfolio are just for display purposes and to show the public what I am capable of. Iā€™m not permitted to sell assets on the forum but I can be hired to script assets. So I would either script for you or remake a new one for you.

I meant as in remake it.

Alright I would do it for about 50 robux.

Iā€™m sold, can you FR me on ROBLOX?
Edit: I sent you a FR request on ROBLOX.

I was very dissatisfied with his service. He was supposed to script a cafe for me and he got about 5% done. Then he promptly ran into something challenging and gave up. I would NOT hire him.


Best of luck on finding services and commission :+1: