Ah, this is what I needed. I’m having one issue. When I zoom out, it changes the size of the badges. How do I fix this?
Can you send me screen of the properties of Frame and the badges?
(anchorpoint, position, size)
Also, when I go closer to the block the badges are the correct size.
Please like I wrote above send me AnchorPoints, Positions and Sizes.
Of the BillboardGui? (30 ch.arsssss)
No of the Frame and each Badge.
AnchorPoint for everything including Frame is 0,0.
Size and position for each badge:
Size and position of Frame:
The Frame Size is in OffSet instead of scale.
Okay, there! I’ve configued the UIGridLayout a bit more as well as changed the Offset to Scale, thank you so much for the help! How would I script it from a Script
in ServerScriptService
Sorry I dont get you what do you mean by “Script it” can you please refer it more.
Hm, so should I just script this so it clones the BillboardGui on to the players’ head when they join the game, and then add a script under each ImageLabel in the BillboardGui under ServerStorage which’ll make it remove the specific badge if the player doesn’t meet the requirements to have it?
If so, would I do:
.Enabled = false
.Visible = false
Sorry, I know this is confusing. If you still don’t understand just let me know!
You can just make single script inside ServerScriptService
local head = char.Head
local guiclone = game.ServerStorage.BadgeGui:Clone()
guiclone.Parent = head
local BadgeFrame = Head:WaitForChild("BadgeGui").Frame --possibly change to guiclone:WaitForChild("Frame)
local Badge1 = BadgeFrame.ManagementBadge
local Badge2 = BadgeFrame.PirateBadge
local Badge3 = BadgeFrame.VipBadge
if player.Pirate.Value == true then
Badge2.Visible = true
if player.Vip.Value == true then
Badge3.Visible = true
If player.Manager.Value == true then
Badge1.Visible = true
Note: edit the if statement requirements by urself btw there can be typos as I wrote it on mobile so check it inside your Studio.
Thank you soo much! I’ve configured it like this, I hope it works:
local head = char.Head
local guiclone = game.ServerStorage.BadgeGui:Clone()
guiclone.Parent = head
local BadgeFrame = guiclone:WaitForChild("Frame")
local Badge1 = BadgeFrame.ManagementBadge
local Badge2 = BadgeFrame.PirateBadge
local Badge3 = BadgeFrame.VipBadge
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local badgeID = 2124700789
if BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(player.UserId, badgeID) then
Badge2.Visibe = true
if game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PlayerOwnsAsset(player,15532025) then
Badge3.Visible = true
if player:GetRankInGroup(7331168) >= then
Badge1.Visible = true
Nice enjoy it!
Please if its solved consider mark my post as solved so other people can use it in futuere thanks!
Yep, I will! I’m still testing it, I’ll be done in a few minutes if it works as expected.
This worked! Thank you so much, I’m so happy.
No problem glad that I helped you!