Scripting - Making a Music Queue

Awesome! Great feature! Now we just need a pause command! :slight_smile:

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Use SoundService instead of putting the sounds in Workspace, as SoundService is meant for sounds.

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Well, I made a Music System, that’s open-sourced.
But do you want to add a Blacklisted Music, just incase.

Great tutorial!

However, I have a concern with your implementation of those bindable events. In the line below:

if #queue == 0 then script.addSongs:Fire() end

could you not run into possible undefined behavior? The way the code is set-up, the addSongs event will fire as the rest of that current playSong event thread is running. I feel like potentially you could be indexing the queue before it has been refilled. There may be something I’m missing though.

A possible solution to this could be to yield the playSong thread until addSongs has finished executing.

I’m interested to hear your thoughts on this. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the suggestion. I don’t really mess around with sound objects a lot. I’ll edit my post. :smiley:

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ROBLOX automatically yields when you fire events I believe. The code below that if statement will run after the function has finished running its code, I’m not entirely sure. Thanks for the reply.

EDIT: I just found out in the developer page that it doesn’t. Thanks for noticing that! A possible way to fix this is to use a BindableFunction instead and simply return any value when the code is done. I do know that BindableFunctions do yield as ROBLOX waits for them to return a value.

It’s if player:GetRankInGroup(000000) >= 5

It doesn’t matter. That’s up to the user writing the script to do. It doesn’t have to be >= 5

Hello! I’m having an error, not sure why. I can’t get the music to play, here is the errors:

I’m kind of a scripting noob so help is greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

I replied in your forum post. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, this is broken, even after the fixes. It stops working after 2 songs. This may have to be re-written.

Are you sure? It works completely fine for me.

Yeah, not sure why, really strange. Play my game, you’ll see the error after a bit.

It happens a lot quicker when I skip as well.

Still doesn’t work, got any idea why? Seems really odd to me.

I think the issue might be the skip script, It doesn’t happen unless I skip songs, then it stops working.

Edit: My bad, I think it’s because I put the skip part after the functions, sorry about that!

Edit2: Still is an issue. After you skip a song, and the song finishes, it stops playing a song. No errors in the console, not sure why this is happening.

Please make a song request for this, I would love you forever!

Thanks for this excellent code. For a strange reason, it only plays the first song. It eventually loads the second song and also executes the Play() method, but you hear nothing. The URI is correct.
I did a quick hack, by creating and destroying the sound object for each song within the script. That seems to work :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for this impressive tutorial! Definitely needed this since I’m a beginner programmer.

Ah, beans. Maybe the reason all my games take forever to load is that I imported all the songs as Sound instances, instead of doing it like this…

Here is an updated version to the music player tutorial: Music Player Tutorial - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox