[PLUGIN] ScriptMate - Learn to script now! (15K+ Installs)

Nice roblox banner advertisement lol

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Thank you for this. I especially like the quiz part since with other tutorials I can’t see what I remember and what I forgot. Are you still continuing these videos?


Thanks for the feedback!

I might continue making similar videos when I have more time outside of university work, but it ultimately depends on how well the videos perform and whether I am motivated enough to continue with them.

I do think it would be cool to turn the channel into something bigger, so it’s very much a possibility once I have some more free time.

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Oh so if there’s a bug. You would fix it on GitHub and it would automatically change on roblox

The plugin only pulls tutorial data via HttpService. So if I were to add more episodes or modify a challenge, that wouldn’t require an update.

Any other changes to the plugin would require an update though, but that hasn’t been necessary since releasing it.

Must say, you’re awesome! Your videos’ quality, the entire idea of short, but very informative videos is amazing! Thank you very much for doing such step for scripting beginners! I hope to see more tutorials from you.

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Thank you very much for the feedback! :smiley:

I am definitely considering making additional videos and tutorials, it would just be dependant on when I have some free time to dedicate to them.

If you have any suggestions or anything, be sure to let me know!


I would love to know more about advanced ui and parts tweening, because it’s very useful in regular cases. It would also be nice if you could show how to make different custom proximity prompts, as this is interesting thing, for example SurfaceGUI and ScreenGUI prompts.
Anyways, I’m so excited for your next tutorials!

See you soon!

ScriptMate v1.1 is now live!

General quality-of-life improvements include…

  • Altered plugin UX to assume it as the main tool, with suggested video tutorials on the side.
  • Visual improvements incl. font, icons and buttons, to be consistent with new branding.
  • Reduced minimum widget height, to improve experience for users with smaller displays.
  • Various bug fixes
    • Plugin now regenerates any corrupted episode data, rather than soft-locking (unlikely)
    • All challenge script environments default to placing cursor at bottom of script

What’s coming?

I am considering releasing YouTube tutorials on more specific areas of the Engine API. Any future videos released will also be introduced alongside a matching set of challenges, so look forward to that!

Additionally, I’d like to offer extra challenges in future updates, for people that have completed the series and are looking for ideas of general starter projects to try. These could be much larger scale than content currently available.

If you are interested in helping produce challenges, or you have any ideas, please let me know!


If you find an issue with the latest version, please be sure to report it here so that it can be resolved as soon as possible.



I know right I like it. Epic infact.

Thanks a lot for this, hugely appreciate the work you are doing for the community

For this

-- josh is 19 today, so we assign the variable to the current age
joshAge = 19

-- it is his birthday tomorrow
-- we add 1 to josh's age to get his age tomorrow
joshAge = joshAge + 1

-- we print the value of joshAge to the output

You can do this instead right? It works

joshAge = 19

Yes but you can only use it one time. If you print joshAge+19 it will work, but it wont change the joshAge variable, for that you would need to set joshAge to joshAge+19 which would look like joshAge + joshAge + 1

I understood


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ScriptMate v1.2 is here!

  • Auto-fill your code with macros!
    • The plugin will automatically update with new macros everytime a tutorial is released.
    • Want to remember something you’ve learned? Add your own custom macros!
  • View solutions to challenges!
    • Struggling with a challenge even after a hint? View the solution to see what you missed!
  • Improvements to dark & light theme support
  • New TweenService challenges + more in the pipeline!

New Tutorial!

The first of a new series of additional tutorials is available!
Learn TweenService in just 3 minutes with this video, then take challenges when done!

Watch Video


If you find an issue with the latest version, please be sure to report it here so that it can be resolved as soon as possible.



This is one of those things that I would have paid for as a beginner. I don’t need it anymore, but this is high quality content for anyone who’s starting out. Well done. I love the video tutorials too. :muscle:

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Thanks very much for the feedback, I appreciate it!

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I wish I could afford this plugin can you make it free pls I have 30 robux

Keep getting 80% on the first quiz? I did everything correct.

do you still plan on updating this plugin @jotslo ?