Scripts terminate randomly when in a ReservedServer at runtime?

Not sure if this is an actual roblox engine bug or not, but whenever I enter a ReservedServer in my (testing) game, the scripts stop working. This has happened to me before and to fix, I just reverted my game. I don’t want to do that though if I don’t need to.

In the video, I am in a standard, public server. You can see it loads the core scripts due to the print. However, when I join the private server, it stops running the for loop (it stops at the ACS_Server script in the video) completely.

Here are the prints so you can keep track of them while watching the video:

It’s worth noting that it terminates randomly. Sometimes it’ll iterate a few times, and sometimes only once. The module it is requiring doesn’t seem to be a reason.

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something in ACS_Server is yielding

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That’s what I was assuming, but why does it work in a public server and not a reserved server? This script does not have any reserved server exclusive behavior.

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