Second gun.. improvement?

This is the second gun I’ve made, how would you rate it?
Personally, 6/10, coming from my first one:


I don’t like to rate things because I don’t like to be perceived as mean or rude but I will rate this a 5/10 only because there are no textures with textures I feel like the rating would go up btw I am bad at modeling so don’t take this to seriously


Thank you, I didn’t texture it (yet) but even if I do I don’t know how to take a picture with all the colors on it… hmmm… I’ll look up a tutorial.

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Is this better? @nachocheesefartboy @Fuseliers @CharlieValognas

I’m not entirely sure why you are using smooth shading on everything but just try to learn the basics of blenders and learning new stuff before tackling tough things.

I like it smooth, and I do know a lot about blender.
This wasn’t tough, by the way, It took me like one hour to complete.

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I don’t think It’s worth a 6. Rather a 3. It’s still hard to define it as a gun, at first I thought it was a drill. Please just learn the basics for blender first before taking on such tough projects.

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Maybe make the cylinders a bit more sphere.
Rating: 6/10.

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That’s kinda rude ngl… instead of telling me it’s trash tell me how to improve it.

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that’s much much better than what you made for the first. I would say you improved but you need to practice a bit more and you will get better. Keep it up!

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Thank you, I do think it was a big improvement.
Hope you have a good day!

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Hope you have a good day too! :smile:

I honestly don’t know how else to put it. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it.

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It would fit right at home among all the old Roblox models. 6/10 please enable auto smooth

I’m not going to give any kind of rating so far since I think you’d get more valuable feedback by pointing out areas of issues & improvements instead of giving an arbitrary number on whether or not its good.

Your second gun model is definitely an improvement over the first but not by much in my eyes. Both models share something in common: theyre all made using primitives that were barely manipulated, at most its just cubes or cylinders being resized, scaled, etc. Theres no “proper” manipulation here, a good way to improve is to try to use some of the basic features of 3d modeling i,e extruding, beveling, creasing, manipulating verts/ edges/ faces, bridging, subdividing etc to get the shape you want, instead of trying to brute force it by spawning lots of primitives.

I also strongly don’t recommend literally smoothing all the edges on your second model, it gives it a very tacky look honestly speaking, if you want to have smooth countours on the corners then look into trying a high-poly workflow or bevel the edge.

Overall its an okay start, but you got a long way to go. There are plenty of resources online to help you out with this kind of stuff, good luck!


This is really good! I’d try using the bevel tool to make it not look as much like a bunch of rectangles shoved together. I’d give the first gun a 6/10 and the second a 4/10. Keep improving upon your work and you’ll be able to create great things one day! I’ve also noticed how you made a bunch of separate shapes instead of just one mesh. Make new shapes in edit mode so that it looks more organized in object mode. Overall great work and I can’t wait to see you improve!

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Looks like an improvement. The extrusion, loop cutting, and insetting tools might come in handy soon so you can reach this stage.

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