Securing Game Scripts

Oh, it is great! You only need to update the code on the external server, and all of a sudden even your currently running games are up to date. Now, you do need to be careful when performing the update. I’m envisioning something like update script that sets a flag to hang pending requests, swaps out the installation, then the installation flips the flag once its ready.

Or, you know, have two installations, and just swap which one requests go to when there is an update.


Yes and no, you can still do getfenv() and you can do something with Script.Code but I’m not sure how it works because I never explored this.

Not anymore, when you do this nowadays you get a blank module, but all of the children are there so you can get access to the whole client side part, but the module itself will be blank (i tried it out myself)

Doesn’t ropp obfuscate some of your code?

Might be what you’re looking for

An exploiter won’t ever see code like that. do end blocks don’t naturally compile, and decompilers usually ignore lineinfo debug data so code will turn out beautified anyways. Ctrl + h can then be used to solve variable naming.

Regarding the stealing issue, just worry about your local code doing things properly. If there is ever a bug allowing for stealing of server side code somehow, then it’s safe to assume none will be safe or damage diminished anyhow.