It only works when you’re closer than 10 studs from the player the mouse is pointing. Also only works with players, but I can make it work with NPCs if you want.
The script is supposed to be inside the frame.
It only works when you’re closer than 10 studs from the player the mouse is pointing. Also only works with players, but I can make it work with NPCs if you want.
The script is supposed to be inside the frame.
im aware of that,
i posted my layout as you can see if i referenced something wrong, i put into starter character for a reason though
The script is supposed to be inside the frame, but I can move it to startercharacterscripts.
Nvm It was easy, just change the variable to the PlayerGui
local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local plrUI = plr:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local maxDist = 10
local GUI = plrUI.GUI -- gui name
local frame = GUI.Frame
--local HPframe = frame.HealthBarFrame
--local text = frame.NamePLR
change or add? with the script that i posted, nothing useed player UI, so what do i change to player ui?
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local ui = plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PlayerHealth")
local frame = ui.Frame
local HPframe = plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PlayerHealth").Frame.Frame
local text = frame.TextLabel
local maxDist = 10
local target = mouse.Target
if target then
local CharTarget = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(target.Parent) -- bodypart
or game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(target.Parent.Parent) -- accessory
if CharTarget then
local head = CharTarget.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
if head then
local dist = plr:DistanceFromCharacter(head.Position)
if dist < maxDist then
frame.Visible = true
text.Text = CharTarget.Name
local charTarget = CharTarget.Character
HPframe.Size =,(charTarget.Humanoid.Health/charTarget.Humanoid.Health * 200),1,0)
frame.Visible = false
frame.Visible = false
your completely just changing the variables without saying what you changed, or are adding them
Oh, my bad, srry I didn’t see it there. I’ll recheck.
(I should’ve literally check )
I believe that I have set the Enabled property of it to false, just enable it to true.
To hide it, you can either edit the script to enable it to true or false or just change the visible property on studio to true.
i made the gui, i made everything but the script, so are you gonna answer this?
Since I don’t know what exactly is the problem, can you provide an rbxm file or place file of it and I’ll tell you the problem when I got it fixed?
Never mind, just do neither. I don’t think there’s anything wrong.
The only way to fix is to print after each condition and see if it prints, if it doesn’t, then you can either tell me or just fix it i guess.
dammit crictoli at least read my post
All I’m doing is replying several times not knowing I was reading now I feel stupid LOL