Selection tool broken

So I opened studio today like any normal person and discovered my select tool is broken.

Basically whenever I duplicate a model, The select tool treats the model how it would if the model was locked. Even though it isn’t locked. I dont have any ScreenGUIs in the game so that is not the issue. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Demonstration of what’s happening


Try uninstalling and reinstalling studio. Hope this works :slight_smile:

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I tried that but its still being weird.

When you duplicate the model, look inside the model in the explorer and select the parts through there. Once you have the parts selected, unlock them.

yeah but even models i insert from the toolbox have the same effect

This could be a bug due to inserting free models into your game as they can have backdoor scripts with bugs in them.

but i shut down studio yesterday as normal and opened it the next day and this whole thingy happened

Are there any issues with Collision Groups on those items?
I’ve had issues trying to select items in certain Collision Groups in my places.
Updates to Collision Groups - #45 by Scottifly
Studio Selection doesn't work if CollisionGroup doesn't collide with Default group - #24 by Scottifly

Backdoor scripts from regular free models can’t affect studio.

the only collision group in the game is default

Under studio settings, there should be a beta feature with the selection tool and you can opt in and out of certain features.

This has been occurring to us also as of late. Using the current non-beta version of selection.
Some things we’ve tried are:
Resetting all the Collision Groups to default
Booting up a new place and copying everything over
Grouping and Ungrouping models or adjusting folder hierarchy.
The main thing is that once it starts happening (which from our experience, occurs when CTRL-D ing in large part workspaces, or large models and dragging them quickly) it doesn’t stop happening for any additional model.

Exact same symptoms. Duplicated parts or models no longer can be clicked on, they can be box selected however.

A temporary solution I found elsewhere if you JUST want to build is setting CanQuery Off. which before would cause the item to not be selectable on default. However right now has the opposite effects.

I have not tested using the new QOL beta dragger features, will be testing soon. But it could be related i presume.


sorry for the bump, it’s most probably a bug with the overall dragger, try switching into another game (baseplate for example) and back, it fixed it for me