I inserted a bill board GUI for my sell place and whenever i zoom out it becomes larger is there any way to fix it?
September 10, 2021, 8:48am
The same way you’d scale a 2D UI, ensure that you are not using offset for the size & position values of the BillboardGui and its children.
{ScaleX, OffsetX}, {ScaleY, OffsetY}
Anybody new to interface designing within Roblox studio will get to know the fact that Roblox doesn’t exactly have the friendliest UI editor pretty quickly; on the first few pages of the Art Design Support category itself you can already see three posts talking about the same issue.
Reference <a class="lightbox" href="//devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/original/4X/b/8/a/b8a9455036935318624561563fb1f323b4f48eb0.png" data-download-hre…