Hello World!
I realise there is a lot of YouTube tutorials on this, yet wouldn’t it be easier not to deal with all of this HTTPService stuff? This is specifically aimed at people who are new to the world of scripting but everyone is welcomed to use this.
It is also my first asset so I will appreciate some feedback!
| Require the asset
In any script you wish to include the module put the code below:
local Discord = require(11780461670)
| Set up the webhook
After requiring the script, set the webhook you wish to use
- Substitute YOUR_WEBHOOK_HERE with your webhook/proxy
If you are unsure if your setup is correct, include Discord.Check() below this line. This is not necessary and your code will work without this.
| Send a message
This will send a simple message with the webhook you set earlier
- Substitute MESSAGE_TEXT with your message
| Spice things up with an embed
You can send an embed too! Who doesn’t like nice formatting…?
- Substitute MESSAGE_TEXT with a desired message. This CANNOT be nil. If you don’t want to include a message, set it as “”
- Substitute EMBED_TITLE with your embed’s title
- Substitute EMBED_DESCRIPTION with the embed’s text content
- Substitute EMBED_COLOR with the color code in HEX value with following format: 0xFFFFFF. You can choose any color and substitute the Fs with your code, make sure to include the 0x in front of the code and do not use the #
EDIT: This is the Roblox model if you wish to check the code or modify it to your needs: MainModule - Roblox