Serious Problem with Voice Chat Moderation

Well my game focused around users communicating through voice chat, it makes socializing 10x easier using voice chat then having to type out an hours worth of conversation. I did also plan to kick users under a certain age limit but many users make new accounts because of false bans also being new doesn’t directly mean they’re here for malicious reasons and on top of it it could be someone reporting people who have been on Roblox for years, you never know.

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Well, I’d suggest allowing players to create private servers for free.

Private servers could potentially mitigate the problem by providing a safe place for users with voice chat, but no, it is not a complete fix.

There are no fixes to this solution yet because only Roblox could solve it. But like most moderation issues, it’s probably on the community’s part.

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Even if you were to utilize private servers, what stops people from still botting moderation on players or auto-moderation picking up on the wrong things in private servers; especially those games that are centered around meeting people like On Tap, there would be no point in using private servers as it would need to be a publicly accessible ‘private’ server.


It’s gotten worse now. Roblox added popups that show up whenever the AI thinks that you violated Roblox policies. I can’t say “death sentence” anymore (it’s a name of a drink in a game “On Tap”) as I will be given an automatic warning issued each time I say it. I began to fear that I might get falsely banned by this system.


Yeah, the moderation for VC is absolutely terrible. Most of my friends who have voice chat got a one day ban for not doing anything wrong, and earlier I got a message saying “We’ve detected language that may violate Roblox’s Community Standards” even though I never said anything wrong. Probably be safest just to turn off voice char until Roblox does something about this.


Considering how badly AI is at moderating images and meshes, it baffles me why they would go ahead and have AI moderate voice chat too.


It doesn’t.

What it should be:
Player: hey, innocent123 is swearing
Roblox: lemme see. plays recording. innocent123 didn’t swear you false reporting scum
What it is:
Player: hey, innocent123 is swearing
Roblox: terminates innocent123


I’ve experienced these things myself as well as of recent. Numerous warnings and last night a 1 day ban simply because there was someone that managed to spam report me while i was having a casual conversation with friends.

Even my friend whom i was in on tap with were warned however they hadn’t said a single word and only really stood around me (nor have i heard them say a single swear word in roblox voice chats since ive known them).
The moderation log is incredibly outrageous especially if you look at the timestamps.

Friends warnings:

Before anyone mentions. I’m not willing to appeal it as its only an 1 day ban and not worth my efforts however it should be addressed as this is incredibly exploitative by bad actors as stated by the OP.

My ban log


If the Roblox Moderation team is genuinely committed, they could have simply explained this to us, but unfortunately, there has been no feedback from them.


Man speak, man wait, man get muted for no reason at all

So in short term, roblox moderation has a big problem on voicechat, and should implement a proper moderation process for VC. Not even today, 24.06.2024 they just randomly mute people.


Roblox VC Moderation is atrocious; it’s as awful as all their other moderation and bans you for the most random things, and it doesn’t give any reasons.


You also can’t even say badass.


Bump, it’s horrible.
I got one of those popup warnings for saying “Lil bro” as a joke (which I do not see how that’s offensive).
Another warning for saying “what the fu…” (again, why would that word be censored if voice chat is supposedly for 13+ users?).
And the voice chat was suspended because someone said my character was fat, and I replied with “I’m not fat.”

I honestly do not understand why voice chat exists if users get suspended for such trivial reasons.
It’s supposed to be “13+”, but this genuinely feels like it’s intended for 1+ users.
Such a useless feature, honestly. I wouldn’t be surprised if I got suspended again for saying hello or something, seeing how horrible the AI is. It shouldn’t even be active.



I can’t even test updates for my game because I keep getting suspended for not swearing??

Also this moderation doesn’t even make sense, if you need to be over 13, why is it moderating it in this way?

I get moderating slurs, but just a regular old conversation? This isn’t the text chat, and even then I keep getting suspended for just speaking normally, it is actually very annoying.


same, i was in a vc private server with some friends and i got banned bc i said something in spanish that its not a big deal in my language and i got vc banned for 5 min, on the other way, one of my friends was saying worse things and he didnt even got a warning for it


the issue is still relevant… even though its been years…

I had my vc off for like 3-4 months, but right when I decided to turn it on and talk to people I instantly got a warning “We’ve detected language that may violate Roblox’s Community Standarts. You may lose access to Chat with Voice after multiple violations”

How is this possible? I may lose access for talking to people without any violations but apparently talking to people is not allowed on Roblox I guess. Will never turn it on back till they fix this major issue.


Voice chat moderation sucks tbh being false suspended from it makes it annoying


I’d like to propose a major bump to this post. I got multiple warnings for saying nothing bad, and then I was VC suspended for five minutes. I think the only reason for that could be that ROBLOX’s (in my OPINION, horrendous) moderation AI seems to catch “violations” through the use of multiple words. for example, lets say Ice was bad right? And I’d said “I see you! I’m going to win the game!”

See how it’s ai would catch “ice” and moderate me? anyways I’m just kind of going on a rant about this horribly inaccurate moderation. Also mind you, the game I was playing, people were saying actually bad things and got away with it.

Granted, I’m acting a little petty over a five minute suspension, but as a developer who doesn’t want a bad record with ROBLOX, I have to care about this inconvenience more than I should because ROBLOX voice moderation doesn’t seem to fix their problems.


i randomly got suspended for being talkative on vc when i havent said anything that goes near the roblox tos

literally some wack moderation on having to get recorded by the roblox staff