Server firing client event multiple times despite not being in a loop

expanding functionality for a ‘currently wearing’ menu so that players can take off roblox accessories, I have to get the server to do some things like getting names for the accessories so I can delete them but for some reason every time I open the ‘currently wearing’ menu again it makes duplicates of the accessory UI buttons despite me clearing the scrollframe every time the GUI is closed.

after a bit of testing it looks like (at least from the perspective of the console) that the server code is using fireclient() multiple times even though the loop right above it is closed, the amount of times it loops increases every time I open the menu


	local Accessories = plr.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription:GetAccessories(true) --Gets accessories from humanoid description
	ReplicatedStorage.AccEvents.GetRBXAccessories:FireServer(Accessories)  --sends accessory info to server (see serverside code)
	ReplicatedStorage.AccEvents.SendRBXAccessories.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(accs) --recieves the updated information from the server
		for i, d in next, accs do
			if plr.Character:FindFirstChild(d[2]) ~= nil then
				local NewButton = script.Item:Clone()
				NewButton.Parent = ScrollFrame
				NewButton.Image = 'rbxthumb://type=Asset&id='..d[1]..'&w=150&h=150'
				NewButton.ItemV.Value = d[2]


game.ReplicatedStorage.AccEvents.GetRBXAccessories.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, Accessories)
	local Accs = {} --creates clean table for new info
	for i,d in next, Accessories do
		local tab = {} --makes a subtable
		local Accessory = insert:LoadAsset(d.AssetId)
		--local acccc = Accessory:GetChildren()
		table.insert(tab, d.AssetId)  --inserts ID to subtable
		table.insert(tab, Accessory:FindFirstChildOfClass('Accessory').Name) --inserts name to subtable
		table.insert(Accs, tab) -- inserts subtable to main table
	game.ReplicatedStorage.AccEvents.SendRBXAccessories:FireClient(plr, Accs) --sends updated info back to client
	local Accs = {} --clears main table for next use......not neccessary, but just in case

hopefully I haven’t screwed up the formatting

edit: I’ve put a temporary patch on the problem by not making new UI if it already exists, but I would like a permanent solution so the server isn’t doing more than necessary and I can avoid this problem in the future

local db=true --debounce
   if db then db=false
	   NewButton:Destroy() task.wait(2) db=true

Try get some Idea here UIS works too many times on server script (Or RemoteEvent Problem)

I believe its because you are connecting the ReplicatedStorage.AccEvents.ClearAccessories:FireServer(NewButton.ItemV.Value)
event multiple times by putting it in a for loop.

An easy solution to this would be to take the event outside of the for loop.

Edit: This would most likely not work, Sorry for replying

The only thing I can think of is to put the ServerScript in ServerScriptService if it is not there.