Server-Sided AntiCheat

network owner can move unanchored parts on their client and it will replicate to the server. Set it to nil so they can’t avoid the rubber banding by simply teleporting back


WalkSpeed can be spoofed.

Wdym? It checks the speed on the server not the client so it checks if its the actual speed the player should get

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This will prevent “tab glitching”. Though, I do see your point.

For tab glitching i found a way to remove it
See when you freeze your screen?
All the wait() inside your local scripts will freeze too so you can make a checker
If the player client didnt response then there is something wrong

Yes, but that’s on the client, which is unreliable. This could be bypassed.

Most of tab glitchers dont use exploits

Yes, but that doesn’t mean what they’re doing is right.

I think some sort of strike system would work very well, such as an attribute in the player with how many strikes they have. Once it gets to say 3, ban them.


Publicly sharing info, like a value with the client is a bad idea.

I think that is completly imposible. You can’t read the client speed of a Humanoid by the server and know it the user has changed it. All what you can do is make it by the client and trust in that the hacker won’t realize you added an anti exploit.