Serverside character position is different from the client

There is no point is what I am trying to say. Doing it on the client can reduce memory leaks and just calculate the operations on the CPU. It may reduce FPS, but it is better than the whole server shutting down.

Oh, alright. Thanks for letting me know

So the best solution to this problem is just doing all of these on the client.
It’s best to do this to reduce memory leaks and lag.

It will also be smoother when you do it on the client. So it doesn’t look like you have low FPS.

How do i check if they moved the correct distance though? Could you give an example please?

First, you need RemoteEvents that the client fires when they start and finish vaulting. Then, you need to check the distance between when they started and finished to make sure it’s in an acceptable range:

-- The maximum distance they can move with a vault
-- Tune this to your game

local PlayerVaultingPositions = {}

    -- Keep track of where someone was when they started vaulting
    PlayerVaultingPositions[Player] = Player.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame

    local CurrentPosition = Player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position

    -- Calculate how far they moved when vaulting
    local Distance = (PlayerVaultingPositions[Player].Position - CurrentPosition).Magnitude
    if Distance > MAX_VAULT_DISTANCE then
        -- Reset them back to the place where they started vaulting
        -- Temporarily take control away from the player

And, of course, you will need to fire the remote event PlayerStartedVaulting when the player presses the key to vault, and fire the remote event PlayerFinishedVaulted when you stop applying velocity to the player at the end of the vault.


So,exploiters cannot stop the events from sending?

You could also make sure that players don’t move too far in one second whether or not they are vaulting. Roblox has an article on this:

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