Set the users' selection to the instance they just inserted

It is extremely inconvenient having to locate an instance which you just inserted (using the + icon).

Sometimes, when working in places with a lot of instance (or, adding an instance into a part that has many other objects, especially some with the default name of that instance ), it can be quite gruelling task trying to find which one you just added.

Please make it so that after adding an object, the added instance is set as the users’ selected instance (much like the behaviour of duplicating instances).


Honestly, I thought this was already the case until I tried to test it out after reading this. It really should select the instance by default; after all, it selects it by default when you insert a part via the topbar.

I hate having to create a new part then looking through the workspace. It makes Studio so unproductive. If you’re working on animations and modeling things, it’s a pain to work with. Roblox should at least have added Move To.



Now my question is… Why isn’t this on by default :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thank you though! This will be useful.


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