Setting part position to a saved position

I am working on a placement system as well as a plot system however when i load the plot it is suppose to load all of the items that the player has placed and set the position of the item to the saved position, but lets say a player claims plot 1 and places a part then rejoins and claims plot 2 the item that they saved on plot 1 is still on the plot 1 because it saved the position however i want to some how make the position the same but on plot 2. I dont know how i would do this.

@EgoMoose Wrote a really awesome article a couple years back that might help steer you in the right direction here. This article covers things such as serialization which will help you format the position data in a way that a datastore can save and also deserialize which takes that saved data and encodes it into your proper position data type. Hope this helps!

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I checked this out but the calculation of the position is off.