Shadow Bound [DEVLOG 1]

Hello! I’m @Carter_ST1 and this is my first devlog for Shadow Bound!

I’ve been developing Shadow Bound for a while now and am excited to share my first update. I’ll be posting these devlogs weekly to keep you all up-to-date with the progress, and I’d love to hear your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions! My friend @xzile123 and I are developing this project.

Game Concept:

Shadow Bound is a war-like tower defense game where players defend their bases and attack the enemy’s. Each team controls powerful towers, and the game’s unique mechanic allows players to recruit defeated enemies to join their team. The gameplay emphasizes strategy, team-building, and resource management.

What’s New This Week:

Play GUI Progress:

This week, I’ve focused mainly on the Play GUI, and here’s where things stand:

  • What works so far:
    • Play Button: The Play button is functional, and clicking it will take players into the game.
    • Shop Button: The Shop button has been set up, but it’s currently in the early stages and not fully interactive.
  • What doesn’t work yet:
    • Purchasing System: The in-game purchasing system is not yet fully functional. There’s still a lot of work to be done to ensure everything works smoothly before it goes live.
    • Other Sections: While I’ve set up the framework for the Play, Shop, and other menu sections, they are not interactive or complete yet.

What’s coming next:

  • Finalizing the Play GUI: Focus on polishing the Play button functionality and linking it to the actual game.
  • Shop System: Development on the purchasing system will begin once the main menu setup is finished.

Looking Ahead:

  • Further Development of Shop and Settings Pages
  • Fixing and Testing: I’ll also be diving deeper into testing and fixing bugs across the Play GUI and the overall game experience.

Screenshots and Previews:

Play GUI as of right now

Shop GUI demonstration

That’s all for this week! The Play GUI is coming along nicely, and I can’t wait to share more updates with you. Stay tuned for next week’s devlog, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

Thanks for reading, and have a great day! :sparkles:


Play GUI almost finished. Functionality will be worked on.

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Play GUI as of right now.

You guys can suggest stuff to be added and changed by the way.


A decision has been made through the team: the user interface will be completely redone and be more developer friendly.


Given that the game is in its early stages, we have decided to revert to the original user interface. Once we reach a later version, possibly v0.2, we will redesign the UI and implement a new framework.

We have moved to a new devlog! New devlog