Shadow bugs on Ico Sphere

I’m trying to make a planet model with custom gravity on it. So, I added an ico sphere with subdivisions 4. When I imported it to Studio; Shadow’s aren’t proper as you can see. Is there a way to fix it? Is there something I did wrong? Please reply your sulotions or you ideas. Have a good day!

Your faces are probably flipped, take a look at this thread:

Already checked it. No faces flipped.

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Tried it out and worked for me, try using my settings:

-Icosphere with 1 Subdivision at adding

-Then add a subdivision modifier level 4 ( So it doesnt pass the 10000 Triangles mark

-After that export it as FBX with “Selected objects”, “Mesh” and any scale

And that might fix it, add a meshpart and select the file, (I recommend dont re scale it if it is too big because sometimes can bug it, just import it with normal scale and then use a plugin for rescaling it

By the way If you select just when you add the Icosphere “Subdivision 4” works too. So with modifier or without it, works

Thanks for your support. I will try it with your method.

Did everything you said step by step. It still have that weird shadows on it. I will try it on a different baseplate. It may be because of the baseplate im importing it on.

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If everything keeps going wrong try with OBJ file

Tried it on a different baseplate. Still the same. Trying to import it as a OBJ file as @mutrix suggested.

What lighting settings are you using? You could set castshadow to false if you’re fine with that.

Making castshadow false fixed the problem! But I need to model a planet (moon) with it. So, I need to have the side that sees the sun to be bright and the other side to be dark. Doing the castshadows isn’t really fixes my problem. But it fixes the weird shadows.

Okay, I see. What lighting engine are you using?

Using Future solved the problem. Thank you for your help!

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Try using shadow map. That will make shadows look better and might fix your problem.

Pretty sure future is just shadowmap + better lights.

Yes but it is still in beta so it won’t show up in-game, only in studio.

I think future doesnt work for in/game only in Roblox studio

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