Whoops, I forgot: you also need to set yourself as an admin in the IsAdmin module script.
Oh weird. So it’s just doing nothing? Are you sure you have the correct user ID?
Whoops, I forgot: you also need to set yourself as an admin in the IsAdmin module script.
Oh weird. So it’s just doing nothing? Are you sure you have the correct user ID?
i did set myself as an admin in the module
yep i did check i don’t know why it’s not working
Huh. I’m not sure why it isn’t working then. If you send me a picture of your IsAdmin module code and explorer I might be able to figure it out.
It’s because the user ID is negative. If you remove the negative sign it will work.
The ID that was there was the first test character’s ID, which is -1. All non-test characters have positive user IDs.
thank you so much it’s working now thanks
TopBarPlus doesn’t work super well with dynamic drop down lists, though you can make a UI pop up pretty easily like so:
Create an icon:
local newIcon = Icon.new()
Give the icon a label:
newIcon:setLabel("Open GUI")
Make the functions to connect to the events:
local function onSelect()
newIcon:setLabel("Close GUI")
-- Code to open GUI
local function onDeselect()
newIcon:setLabel("Open GUI")
-- Code to close GUI
newIcon:bindEvent("selected", onSelect)
newIcon:bindEvent("deselected", onDeselect)
You can manually deselect the icon and run the connected function by doing:
(For if you have an exit button on your GUI) (Run newIcon:deselect()
when the exit button is pressed)
I’m pretty busy with school rn, so I’m probably not going to make this soon.
You need to do this on every client except the hidden user’s client or else it won’t truly hide you from CoreGui
Also, parenting it to nil will call PlayerRemoving on the client (reparenting back calls PlayerAdded)
If it’s in the client then it doesn’t worry me, but it still is bad usage tbh as @RadiatedExodus said
There is a problem I encountered.
When I put my user ID in studio, it gives me the tool, but it gave the other dev the tool as well, idk if it gives other people the tool because the game is private, but is this supposed to happen?
That shouldn’t happen. Could you send me a picture of your IsAdmin module?
Here is the isadmin script
local ADMIN_GROUPS = {
{0, 0};
local function isValidPlayer(player)
return player and player:IsA("Player")
local function isAdmin(player)
if table.find(ADMIN_PLAYERS, player.UserId) then
return true
for _, groupData in ipairs(ADMIN_GROUPS) do
if player:GetRankInGroup(groupData[1]) >= groupData[2] then
return true
return false
return isAdmin
If you end-up updating this and adding fly-mode etc I will 100% add this to my anti-cheat im currently creating.
My related topics for refence:
The problem is the admin groups section.
local ADMIN_GROUPS = {
{0, 0};
The first number there is the group ID and the second number is the rank in the group. A rank of zero is the guest rank. That means all players, even ones not in group zero, have a rank of zero or higher.
If you want to have no groups affect who is an admin, have admin groups look like this:
local ADMIN_GROUPS = {
If you want to include this in your anti cheat you can use the interface function the SetShadowMode module returns.
I more meant for this to be a function that people could add to their own cmd and admin systems, so I’m not planning on adding lots of features. I will update for bugs though if any are found.
Thank you, I did not know that!
Now I can stop worrying