Issue seems to be fixed on my end!
I noticed it was fixed for me around the time you posted this comment.
Yeah, they STILL haven’t fixed it. Even worse, near shadows don’t even render when on first person…
Edit: i think the shadows are broken due to how many shadows have to be rendered in-real time, my terrain-only map for example has 1,2 MILLION triangles… although i doubt that, since The Wild West by Starboard Studios has an amazing HUGE terrain map and yet they have no lighting bugs
Not the only one, just opened my studio and this bug hapenned to me and its same as yours.
All places I join in studio have the same problem. A circle forms under the camera where shadows don’t render, then all the shadows flicker on and off.
I just encountered that issue as well, you can turn off GlobalShadows to fix it temporarily until Roblox fixes the issue.
I can confirm, same thing still happens.
It would help a lot if you could provide more info about it. I think the issue happened on Monday should have been solved, there might be other issues we need further investigation.
Yeah, I made my own post about it. You can find it here:
Oh hey, would you look at that, shadows have been broken yet again!
The shadow property on light sources is broken if you have more than one inside a part (note how both shadows have shadows turned on, but only the first one has shadows working for it).
I can confirm this happening when I tried to do the same thing. This happened when I tried to get the shadows to work properly.
This is still an ongoing issue. The only technology that’s partially working is future, but even then it still leaks lighting and has shadow glitches.
my problem came when I wanted to light up my room by turning cast shadow off, but even when I did it kept casting a shadow, I used the method to change the transparency by a little which worked out but the issue is extremely annoying
This has been going on for almost 2 years and roblox didn’t fix this issue. Wow
They look like they work fine on my end:
You should upload a video or image to show that it’s still happening for you, because it looks like many people are using this thread like it’s reporting light leaking or some other random glitch, instead of the very broken issue it was trying to report, which were shadows disappearing when moving the camera around:
This issue has returned and is lagging my studio making it nearly impossible to develop my game.
You should record a video and send it here then. Are the shadows flickering and rapidly disappearing then reappearing?
it happens when i look at something, but when i look away the shadow returns. but i fixed it by restoring an older version with the place version history. something corrupted the game, as i wasn’t even able to join it.
Also seeing a similar issue with our game. Only certain character models cast these extremely large and strange shadows.
I think it has something to do with beams but its honestly hard to say for sure because ive messed with a few settings related to castshadow and have had varying results.