Shakeyž Public Handbook

Shakeyž | Public Handbook

:revolving_hearts: “Shakeyź, every cup made to perfection!” :revolving_hearts:

Shakeyž is one of the most welcoming and professional communities on the ROBLOX platform. With the best customer service, and the most advanced and unique systems, we guarantee customers will feel satisfaction at its best.

Public Information


Shakeyž | Alliances

Interested in a partnership with Shakeyž? You’ve come to the right place! Below you’ll find information needed to apply!


  1. Group must have a good reputation, (E.g, Toxicity/Drama within the community should be forbidden)
  2. Group must have 250 members of more, (May change as Shakeyž grows, botted members strictly forbidden)
  3. Group should be making an effort to be active, (E.g, The occasional shift / training)
  4. Group should have a strong Public Relations team,

If you are unsure on anything listed above, please contact one of our Relations Directors.

  • Bbcuklol#3086
  • haleyt#0007
Social Links

Shakeyž | Social Media

Looking for our social media accounts? You can find everything below!

  • Roblox Group
  • Twitter
  • Youtube (Coming soon!)
    Looking for our Discord / Communications server? It can be found on our group page for users who are aged 13 or older.
Update Log

Shakeyž | Update Log

Below you can find the latest game updates!

Shakeyž Parlor | Version 1.01
Completely refurbished map, new terrain
Addition of activities - New obby, complete it to win a golden milkshake!
Minor bug fixes

Staff Information

Training Guide

Shakeyž | Training Guide

6 | Senior Shaker+ may Spectate. - Three only, must be first.
8 | Management Intern+ may Assist.
9 | Bar Assistant+ may Train. - Cannot have safechat.
11 | Head Management+ may Co-Host. - Cannot have safechat.
12 | Executive Intern+ may Host. - Cannot have safechat.
15 | Board of Directors+ may Rank.

Before the session
Group Shout

[!] | A Training session is taking place at the Training Center, hosted by (Your username). | Ranks 3-5 are welcome and may attend for a possible promotion. | Ranks 8+ may assist. | See you there!

Discord Server
Follow the format from previous announcements.

Rolling Protocol
Choose staff based on their joinlogs, those who arrive first should be chosen. Staff who argue or request roles should be dismissed.
Group A - 1x Trainer, 2x Assistant, 1x Spectator
Group B - 1x Trainer, 2x Assistant, 1x Spectator
Group C - 1x Trainer, 2x Assistant, 1x Spectator

:name (user) Trainer A/B/C
:name (user) Assistant A1/B1/C1
:name (user) Assistant A2/B2/C2
:name (user) Spectator A/B/C

Should be stated if things are slightly out of order.

:sm Awaiting Training - Shaker, please ensure you are seated. This session will be starting shortly. Senior Shaker and above are welcome to join me on stage, please do not ask for your roles.

:sm Permission to speak should be utilised at all times. If you have a question, please say “PTS” and a session staff member will be with you shortly.

During the session
Host: :m Greetings, welcome to the (time/EST) training session. My name is (name), I will be your Host.

Co-Host: :m Salutations, my name is (name) and I will be your Co-Host for this session.

Co-Host: :m At this time, please direct your attention to our Host who will be covering some session regulations.

Host: :m The following information is crucial to your success, please direct your full attention towards it.

Host: :h Staff Regulations

Host: :m 1. You should be displaying a respectful and mature attitude towards everyone partaking in this session, you will be removed if we see otherwise.

Host: :m 2. As a staff member, you should be utilising grammar at all times. We will only provide you three warnings before you fail this session.

Host: :m 3. Disruptive and/or inappropriate behaviour is not acceptable, you will fail this session if found to be displaying either of these.

Host: :m 4. Hinting or asking for your promotions is deemed unacceptable, and your promotion chances will suffer greatly if we see this.

Host: :m 5. Lastly, we expect all staff members to be professional while on duty. As a staff member, you are committing to representing for us while working at the cafe. Do the job properly and appropriately.

Host: :m The rules have now concluded, please remain seated. You will be dismissed to your groups momentarily.

Host: :m TrainERs, Assistants, and Spectators may now head to their station and prepare for the arrival of their Trainees. - Trainees, you are next. Please do not move until we tell you it is alright to do so.

Host: :m Trainees may now head to their groups. Thank you for your patience, we wish you the best of luck!


Trainer: Greetings, my name is (name) and I will be your Trainer for this session.

Trainer: Salutations, my name is (name) and I will be your Assistant for this session.

Trainer: This session is divided into three sections; Trivia, Ordering, Trolling.

Trainer: We’ll be starting with the trivia section.

Trainer: My and my assistants will be sending you some questions through the PM system, they will appear in the bottom right of your screen.

Trainer: To pass this section, you must get 2/3 of the questions correct.

Trainer: Are there any questions before we begin?

Trainer: Fantastic, let’s begin!

Ask three questions only, one from the trainer, one from assistant 1 and one from assistant 2.

:pm (user,user,user) Question
:name (user,user,user) 1-2-3/3
:kick (user) Unfortunately, you have failed this session. Reason: Failed Trivia. Best of luck in the next session!

Do we have a cherry milkshake on the menu? - Answer: No.
How many warnings do we give a troller? - Answer: 1 warning.
Do we warn exploiters? If so, how many warnings should we give them? - Answer: No.
How should you deal with a spammer? - Answer: Call a HR+ right away.
How do you make orange juice? - Answer: Juice cup + Orange + Orange slice

Trainer: Great job to all of you who are still here! The next section that we will be covering is orders.

Trainer: Me and my assistants will approach your counter and request an order, you must greet us appropriately and order it using the screen in front of you.

Trainer: Once that’s done, you must go to the kitchen and claim the order you sent using the board. You should then create it and bring it back to us.

Trainer: Last but not least, you should provide us with a send off.

Trainer: Are there any questions before we begin the ordering section?

Trainer: Great, let’s begin.

Kick anyone who fails to greet you, place your order, make it and give you a send off.

:kick (user) Unfortunately, you have failed this session. Reason: Failed Ordering. Best of luck in the next session!

Trainer: We will now be moving on to our final section, trolling/exploiting.

Trainer: Me and my assistants will approach the counter and begin to troll/exploit, you should greet us and deal with it swiftly.

Trainer: Remember, trollers receive 1 warning while exploiters receive none.

Trainer: Are there any questions before we begin?

Trainer: Great, the best of luck to you all!

Kick anyone who fails to greet you and deal with you appropriately.

:kick (user) Unfortunately, you have failed this session. Reason: Trolling/Exploiting. Best of luck in the next session!

Trainer: The session has now come to an end. If you are still here, congratulations, you have passed this session!

Trainer: Please allow me a moment to contact the ranker, once again, congratulations!

Rank the Trainees and kick them once done.

Concluding the session
Group Shout
[!] | The training session hosted by (user) has now come to an end. | Congratulations to all who passed! | Missed this session? Don’t worry, we often host throughout the day. Stick around the the next one!

Discord Server
Follow the format from previous announcements.