Sharing dictionaries across all servers in-game: How do I do it?

Currently I am working on a game partically based on stock-trading. A player sets up a company and with some factors that would take too long to explain and supply&demand, each company would have a valuation that could be bought, sold or borrowed.

But the challenge is that I need to update all the data probably every 15-30 seconds. But I am concerned that if I use datastores and if there’s enough companies it may get over the 4mb limit. I am also concerned about if datastore edits are dropped.

tl;dr: How to communicate with all servers.

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You can use messaging service to communicate with other servers

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That has a limit of 1kb, which is fine for text but I am sending large arrays.

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I don’t really know how else you would be able to communicate with servers efficiently, is it necessary to be sending 15-30 seconds and sending so much data aswell?

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Thinking again, the interval should probably be around 2 miniutes, which may be fine with datastores, as it is there to update everyone in the game with all the stock prices for the companies in-game.

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DataStore2 might help with the DataStore stuff if you aren’t already using it, but I just recently looked into it so not completely sure

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