Shift + tab deleting lines of code in script editor

Hitting shift + tab when the selection ends at the start-of-line causes studio to eat the line at which the selection ends. This bug cropped up around 2 weeks ago.


  1. Create a script with the following source:
  1. Highlight from the start of the first line to the start of the second line.
  2. Hit shift + tab.

We see the unexpected behavior that --bar disappears.


I have noticed this as well.

I was just gonna make a post about this. It does it with regular tab as well, not just shift + tab. If you go from the bottom up, instead of the top line down though, it doesn’t delete the line…

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Reported this internally.


One more thing I noticed: this same behavior happens with control + shift + c to comment/uncomment a line.
Hopefully it helps diagnose the problem…