Shift + X/C does not work in Studio

This oddly specific, but since my game uses this keybind, it’s an issue for me.

Whenever I hold left shift, it doesn’t register X or C. Oddly, it works when I play in the Roblox player, but not studio. Is Shift + X/C a new shortcut I should be aware of when testing, or is this just a bug that affects 3 keys?


This appears to be broken in the latest version of studio, it’s not reading any input of specifically shift + x or c. Searching everywhere for a new keybind or beta feature but I’m not sure. Doesn’t appear to be the new camera.

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Hey, I’ve been having the exact same issue, if you really need to use X/C I recommend this band-aid solution I’ve come up with.

Somehow it only registers the END of the input when holding shift. This solution solves the problem the only downside is it’ll only register when you release the key.

local cas = game:GetService("ContextActionService")

local keycode = Enum.KeyCode.C

local has_begun = false
cas:BindAction("action", function(name, state)
	if state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin or (has_begun == false and state == Enum.UserInputState.End) then
		print(keycode, "has been pressed")
	has_begun = state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin
end, false, keycode)

Any update on this being fixed? I thought my game was bugging but I loaded an older build and can confirm if I am holding shift It does not recognize im pressing “c”

Usually, studio hotkeys overwrite in game hotkeys when play testing, which is the most stupidest intentional behavior I have ever seen. It also overwrites plugin hotkeys, very disappointing when I can’t make my local key bind Y and moon animators key bind is also Y so it doesn’t work, studio overwrites it. I don’t even have a part selected…

This might be the issue on the Studio Draggers overriding the LShift + (X / C) keys.

Which you might not know, Shift + (X / C) keys toggle the snapping of the draggers.

See issue and workaround here: Input began not firing whilst holding down LeftShift key - #7 by tnavarts

TL;DR: This will be fixed.