ShiftLock camera script

Hey, does anyone have a working shoulder cam/shift lock cam script that works? I can’t figure out how to do it. Thanks

You should probably include more detail in your post, because it is hard to properly answer this.
Could you not just use the default ShiftLock camera? The only reason for using a custom one would be to change some functionality, but if you’re just looking for a shiftlock camera, then use Roblox’s? Sorry if I’m missing something, there really isn’t much to go off here.

I’m just asking if anyone else has a simple camera shift lock script. The Roblox default script is hard to isolate because it’s intertwined with 10 other modules. If I just copied the entire CameraModule, it would be outdated the next time Roblox updates it without a warning.

I’m sure there’s a way in there you can just lock the camera to shiftlock with. It’s built intentionally so it doesn’t get outdated and you can always use the right modules. At least, I’m pretty sure it’s for that reason the scripts are in that manner.

Are you looking for something advanced or are you looking for something as simple as Humanoid.CameraOffset? Your post is very vague so it doesn’t give us a sense of what you’re looking for specifically. Have you also tried searching the DevForums or toolbox first before making your request?

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