Shooter Framework Similar To dvn

I’m currently Trying To Make A Shooter framework similar to dummies versus noobs but I have no way of going about it.
If anyone knows of any ways the game Makes It work then some advice would be very helpful

I Have Been Trying To Get My Head Around It For Over Two Months :sob:


First Person:

Most FPS games run off of ViewModels, basically arms attached to your gun in a separate model which is projected to your screen. For hit detection, VFX comes from the client which detects inputs firing a bullet from your gun, but the server fires a separate Raycast from the Torso instead. Here are some articles on both of these concepts:

View Models


Third Person:

In most third person shooters, you will have automatic shiftlock, which also has some helpful tutorials. For the animations, these run through the client and fire a RemoteEvent to the server, before the server fires all clients so everyone else can see the animation. For shooting animations, you can use some simple CFrame lerping to push the gun back, and then put it back to its original position. Here are some more articles on these third person shooter concepts:

Automatic Shiftlock

Remote Events


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Sensei’s Gun Kit is in the toolbox bro, its the same gun system from DvN, just search it up

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Wait i literally didnt know this

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