Should I allow players to upload decals into the game?

I want to include a feature to my game - where people can pay robux to change the decals of the skybox of the game (for one round). This sounds like a fun idea and all, but…

Even though the decals on the website went through the Roblox moderation, some decals that should not be on the platform might slip through the moderation (as tons and tons of decal are being uploaded every minute),

So my question is:

  1. Should I include this feature at all? If yes, what other stuff should I do to make sure players can enjoy my game in a safe environment - and if decals that go against Roblox’s rules are used, would I and the game get in trouble?


I don’t think it violates the TOS. However, you do need to include moderation in-game so users can report skybox decals that are inappropriate. That’s the very least you can do to still allow Players the freedom of inserting custom decals while following TOS.

As for whether you would get in trouble, it’s also slightly hard to say. In theory, if the game itself was inappropriate specifically because of its Players, your game won’t get in trouble so long you have sufficient moderation to ensure Players are behaving inappropriately would face punishment in-game.

It’s also Roblox moderation we’re talking about so idrk what goes on in their heads :person_shrugging:

Got it, any idea on how to moderate?

The first thing that comes to mind is by making a report system (it’s not like I’m smart enough to build an entire AI just to check the decals), but then the moderation wouldn’t be immediate since I’ll have to manually check the decals that are violating the TOS and ban the player.

Each round also lasts like 15 minutes so the report system at most would ban those people off my game and not taking off the decals on time. There could also be a lot of false reports which would lead to wasting a lot of time.

To your spoiler message: that’s the reason I asked lol, they’re unpredictable

Yeah, that’ll have to be a flaw you’ll need to work with. You can circumvent this by having multiple moderators (preferably of different timezones) to monitor reports in your game. At the end of the day, it’ll probably be better late than never.

If you use Discord, you can create and use Discord webhooks to send information from Roblox through a proxy (I just saw a topic for creating one for free, but no one really left any comments about it, so I suppose use at your own risk).

You can try to create a scoring system in a server script on your game to score and see whether the reports get through, and their level of priority (if you are planning to add this). Factors can include:

  • Account age
  • Whether the Player has recently submitted a report against the reported Player (prevents mass spam)
  • How many reports the Player sent out within a time period (2 mins, for example)
  • Whether other Players in the server reported the exact same Player for the same reason

… and any other factors you want accounted.