Pretty much I’ve made projectiles before but I really wanna crack down on the best and most effective and cleanest way of making a projectile. I’ve already decided to use tweening to actually move the projectile towards its target. But what is the best way to determine when a projectile hits something? Should I be using .Touched? I know .Touched isn’t the best thing to use so I was wondering if there was anything else I should use to determine when to damage someone.
I cannot use raycasting as my projectiles aren’t instant so that would be a rather poor and illogical way of finding a target.
I think using :GetTouchingParts() would be better to use with tweens as CFrame manipulation can cause .Touched to not trigger. It would also allow you to control the frequency of collision detection and better performance management
@bjdanh266 suggest rays which would work but as you would have to repeatedly create rays within the part it would effect performance more and make it more complicated than it needs to be