A new UGC concept hat I’ve been working on. It’s called the Crown of 7 Lbs. Overall it was a fun item to make. It has 1188 verts and 2294 tris with x256 textures. Feed back is always welcome!
ahh good ol’ thread
though im already in the program i thought i should share some of the stuff ive recently uploaded here
(Helmet, clothes and other accessories shown on the avatar below are not my accessories, I’m only wearing them because they fit the character I’m emulating.).

I thought I’d make some semi-realistic dragon heads for the UGC when I finally get in ^^ I hope you all like them!
Love your UGC! Its really amazing what you create!
I made a lot of models in Blender and then put them into Roblox. Overall, as of writing this reply, I have 10+ models that I made in Blender and then put into Roblox.
I’m not a UGC Creator, but I think I’m a very good modeler, and I hope I can become a UGC Creator one day.
Here are a few of my models:
As I said, these are only a few of the models I have made in Blender and put in Roblox. I really hope to get accepted into the UGC Program!
I submitted my application an eternity ago, shortly after the post was made about how UGC apps were open to everyone.
Here is a creation I was pretty proud of at the time- Atroplush XS (shoulder parody of Atropos XR.)
I could probably remake this a lot better nowadays.
This kinda reminds me of good old roblox accessories associated with dragons and etc. Great job!
but you should upload the collab item it is so well made!
This is my first kinda finished UGC model.
(By the way, does anyone know if I can scale up the texture resolution in Roblox Studio so that it looks like the Blender version? And yeah - I need to fix the right shade)
Ghost face UGC
I currently have no idea how to make a roblox portfolio for my ugcs so ill put some here (if anyone could help me with the portfolio thing that would be appreciated! )