Show off your UI designs

Pretty neat. I like it’s clean while it still has character. Do you do the scripting behind it or UI only?

I like the UI, but I have a few suggestions. The user’s tab has nothing below it and the moderation buttons should be a bit moved up to align with the user tab. I would add an extra option in the bottom right corner? I’d Also add gradients and make the background have a bg texture and make it SLIGHTLY transparent. Check out UIBlur - New ui blur [fully automatic]. Add a close button on the top right corner so its easy to open and close. Make the user tab’s background not such a black color. I hope these suggestions will help you with everything you need. Give me a DM if you need a bit more feedback. Have a nice day!

why did you delete your post?


Oops sorry about that. It should’ve been restored.

okay its all good :+1:

i don’t think so… but you can use asset inserters

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