this is really cool keep ,me updated on this
i love the addition of distasteful anchovi in the background
do i spy the Deltarune battle background there?
Rate my ui
This Topbar change the core Topbar
The NPC picture is frong but I didn’t fully set-up the script
Pls give your feedback
Colors could use work and everything seems to packed and congested
lil bit of an update, i’ve been working on text parsing and animations:
its really buggy atm lmao
i’m probably going to have to look into coroutines and heartbeats if i want my animations to work alongside the text display. i kinda hate async code so im not looking forward to that mess. besides that i had the foolish idea to try to streamline the writing process by replicating renpy’s script system (parts of it anyway). it works! just don’t look at it the wrong way or it might suddenly explode x(
Certainly does remind me of undertale
love ittt this is really cute very nice job
What do you use?
WOW, you’re good. I wish I could do that
For something made in studio, that’s very well done
My fault I meant to say “what font do you use” my fault lol
I use rajdhani + montserrat as my primary fonts.
Where did you make these UIs? They look really stunning!
Nice! But look closely what is says here:
Official menu design for my up coming game called zjenga! Ditched the old one cuz it just wasn’t working.
I took big inspo from the layout of weapon mayhem. The ui layout was so easy to go through and looked clean and simple.
UI for your game looks good. Nice job!