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Basic application UI in roblox with material design (currently struggling with the shadow)


An old main menu I made based on the game ‘Dying Light’. (Loading screen was unfinished)
Style: Apocalyptic
Program used: Roblox Studio
Video: (Unsure why there is a buzz sound in the video) (There is no background sound as it got moderated a while ago)

External Media

Link: Watch Desktop 2019.11.12 - | Streamable


I started making gui last year and I made a game that chooses a random game on roblox, the gui has involved alot and I worked alot with tweening if you are interested here is the link of the game: ROBLOX game chooser - Roblox


Seems a little bit smooshed, try fixing that; adding a shadow to the buttons would be cool.


thx for the advice man, Whats the best method for adding shadows?

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In third part software is your best bet, if you need help I can.

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I would say to make the roblox logo for the question mark could get scaled, like down, the oval could be more rounded or is that just to make look more fun? Just to make it nicer

Some footage showcasing the UI from my obby racing game, what do you guys think?


Style: Cartoony
Program: Affinity Designer

I need help though, somebody told me it looks too bulky. Do you agree; I can’t see it myself.


I would say to bring the time box in a little close, and make sure that the icons are centered on the box it’s in.

Is it bulky hmmm not to me but I’ll tell you if it does look bulky👍


It looks good to me. The only thing I would suggest is not using the same shading method on both the buttons and the frame. That can be a bit repetitive and annoy the eyes of some players. I love the design though. Maybe decrease the size of the timer a tad though.

It has the right scale doh, it looks like this because in the game it spins and you wont notice it but you can see it now bcs it is a screenshot on the wrong time

I was thinking about changing it with shadows but there is just one problem, when you click on the buttons they move so I guess it will look bad if tje shadows move with them, you should check it out the link is in my post

@ManamiWasThere - I like the transition you have, why is your shadow darker and then lighter and then teleporting? Other than that, it doesn’t look too bad.

@RetributionVI - I can’t play the video, try re-uploading it.

@visvisjes - The GUI looks a little squashed and not that fluid, it doesn’t scale well. The animations are also very slow, especially when you click to move to a different page, you are waiting ~6 seconds.

@v_aggelein - The video won’t load for me but from the thubnail it looks pretty good, however it may be a little small on larger screens.

@loertis - The GUI itsself is a little bulky as there is no need to take up that much space for small icons, shrink the entire GUI, it just gets in the way when you’re playing the game; try moving the countdown into the top bar, like you’ve done with developer twitter handles. It’d look much better.

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I edited my post to include the streamable video link. Please give me any feedback or suggestions you might have as it can help me to improve my UI designing skills. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The only thing I really have to say is the “MAIN MENU” text when you’re actually on an element of the GUI is hard to read, try turning it the other way. Other than that it look good.
Oh also, the sound is bad, not sure what it is but it doesn’t really suit an SCP game.
You should add some background music

I love this UI in particular. It’s super clean. How’d you get the animations?

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I love the rounded corners and overlaid buttons! i’m stealing your style ok

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Style: Modern
Programme used to create your UI: Roblox Studio

Just trying out making some loading animations etc (note: these are only concepts and I made them just for fun)

(If you want any of them just ask me nicely and you might get it :wink:


Literally in love with all of them. Did you make all of these in studio because if you did that is quite some talent.

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