Show off your UI designs

Style: I don’t even know
Program: Roblox,
Video: Zombie Critical | Shop Rework Simulation 2 + Proximity Prompt - YouTube

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Fan remake of the Tower of Hell UI, a fantastic game that I enjoy, aside from the current UI.


I have to say, these UIs you’ve designed look much better than the current UIs in the game! Great work! :+1:

And uh… I see rick roll music… ah… lovely lol.

Dang, that is really good man!

Hello, can you send me that Overhead Player GUI or open-source it please!

Check out the UI I designed for Mermaid Life by Myzta @ Fullflower Studios LLC


Whoa this thing is so cool!!!

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I have one phrase to say about these UIs- they look spectacular! Keep up the awesome job! :+1:


Hey could I ask how you managed to change what the TextBox looks like when you select it?

Trying to learn a bit more about Material.

I usually just use tween service, never learned to use TweenSize and Pos, those are less “cluttered”.

WHY WOULD YOU CANCEL THIS! This game looks awesome! I would pay 60 dollars to play this game!

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It’s as simple as putting an ImageButton/ImageLabel behind the TextBox and setting the TextBox’s BackgroundTransparency to 1.

You can literally use any image you like behind the TextBox to create a custom UI.

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Is there a selected property to make this happen?

E.g. When user clicks, something happens, when user clicks off, something happens

You’d need to know a bit about scripting, but TextBoxes have Focus and FocusLost events that you can use.

I typically put the TextBox inside of an ImageButton and use TextBox:CaptureFocus() when the user clicks, just in case they clicked the border.

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Some work I just did recently.


Both UIs looks super nice! I like the first one even more! Superb work! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Some more!


UI on Ro-Chat.


Erm I

made my first ui ever. Tried making it somewhat millitary themed ig


My chat (recreation of Discord) :
And my others UI things are not enough good to be shown here.