Style: Minimal
Program used to create: Adobe Xd, Blender
Used for one of the projects I’m thinking of making so I threw this together in half an hour or so.
Niceeee, the GUI overall looks pretty good however I see one or two issues.
You can see the spawn point and you can see the user who you can see underneith the GUI buttons.
For the first GUI I think it would be better if it all fit in the blue inner-box it would look much cleaner that way.
Woah, that looks pretty cool dude, if I were you I’d disable the chat, leaderboard and backpack GUIs
I quickly made this script you can insert into the Starter GUI
The dot seems a little out of place on the first screenshot
And in the third one the description text is out of the box, I know this is intentional but I feel it would be better if it was in the box, it doesn’t fit the theme but it’s worth a shot at making it look a little better.
Other than that it looks epic.
What do you mean with blue inner-box? I don’t really understand what you mean with that, could you explain it?
Looks cool dude, I’d recommend moving the hearts a little closer together.
make some moosic
I get that comment a lot. Thanks for it though!
Personally, never thought there was much of a point in using gifs on roblox as I could never visualise a situation where it was in use.
This just changed my mind!
Style : Minimalist - Simple and broadcast theme
Programme used to create your UI: Powerpoint 2016
You made that in powerpoint? Nice!
There are a few minor suggestions that you could fix, the red is a little harsh a lighter red like #E74C3C would work great!
And this little bit here, the red is a different shade.
Just a few pieces from my portfolio. Definitely could use some work. Wish I could share pieces of my newer work but developers want to keep confidential
They are all much better than anything I can do but for the “fifa” re-make GUI you should make the “Welcome” GUI to be in-line with the other parts of the box.
EDIT: I’ve actually used the Catroon GUI pack a while ago, it was great!
Ah yeah the intent is when you hover over a button it pops out and turns yellow so it is like I’m hovering over the welcome rectangle. At least, that was the intent.
Also, thanks for using my Cartoon UI Pack! Glad you liked it!
Oh, if that’s a transition that looks pretty good then, no complaints
Great work.
Style: Sci-fi
Programs used to create: Affinity Photo, Adobe XD
You stole Forgetful’s Site name and replaced Area with Site!? WOW
But the UI looks nice!
actually, this project has been in development for about 7 or so months and we’ve stuck with that name for a long time, but we’ve changed it now.