Show/hide menu don't works

1.I can’t find good tutorial at yt for my menu.

  1. Scripts dont show/hide my menurobloxapp-20210809-0205146.wmv (325.7 KB)

  2. I want somebody help me with this script.

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Can you provide the code instead of sending a file?


Talking about file, please, do not use files when attempting to communicate the issue. Instead, provide actual media, not links or files.

Now, on the topic, you could use the Visible property of GuiObjects in order to mimic the UI showing / hiding. Unless of course, you’re talking about making the UI slide to somewhere invisible to the user. You could move the UI (by changing the Position property) to a position outside of the screen (you could use the TweenPosition function in order to achieve the smooth sliding.).


Yes, as @PhoenixRessusection said, using the Visible property and setting it to non-visible will make the Gui NOT show up unless clicked on by a button. (If you were making a shop Gui or something with a button, where if you click then it will set the Visible property to true.

What I belive you are trying to do is have the Gui initially not show up, and when you click on another button you want it to appear. Like I said earlier, make sure the main Gui is NOT Visible, using the Visible property. Make sure the main Script is located inside the main Gui, with the main Gui, being inside the Show Gui button. Then, inside the script, make sure after when a player clicks the “Show” Gui, you add
main gui name here.Visible = true

That should make it work, if you have any more problems reach out to me!

Hope this Helped!


can you send a script for that?

Sure, give me like 30 minutes!

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Could I possibly get the script that failed? I will just look over it and script parts that look wrong!

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local Menu = script.Parent
while true do
Menu.Visible = true
Menu.Visible = false

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ty for good script! This works

Np, thank you for being patient! It would have taken me less time, however I was busy!

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