Simple Game Activity Logging


Hello Devforum! I’ve decided to make a game activity logger. This resource was primarily made for roleplay groups in mind, so that executives can see how long staff members are in the game for


I got motivated to make this after I got DM’ed by a few people saying I should make it

What does this do exactly?

It allows executives to view when a staff member joined, when a staff member left, and how much time they spent in the game

How do people get it?

Simple! Just follow the steps that I link below

Step 1

Create a script and put the source as this

Step 2

Configure it via the configuration variables at the top

Step 3

Enjoy your activity logging



  • Added line that removes player join data from the data array on leave

If I use this script do I need to call your name? Eh I’ll do it anyway :wink:

Its simple and in the state its in right now its not very useful however it if it were to be used in games and log things for example in a fps game or tycoon game it could be rather useful to find exploiters.

Can you explain more in depth on what you’re trying to say?

Main problem with logging each hour is that you’d have to keep a server up for an hour, which isn’t really realistic for most games that would use this (considering how small and unfun they are to play) but there are some that manage to keep them running for more than an hour, but there’s a second problem they would face rather quickly:

The multiple servers problem – let’s say you have 6-7 servers up for a game and that most of them survive an hour or more, all of them would send a message for each player in the server (ex. 30 or more), whiich would get you ratelimited rather quickly. Would also make you lose on some join logs while you’re ratelimited.

It’s not really worth using webhooks to log your game’s activity. Developer stats already show you how many visits your game has gets each hour. (also allows you to filter by platform, which is a loss on the webhook side)

Developer stats don’t show the activity for a certain player, which is what this does

It only logs for staff, and only when they leave the game. Iirc Discord webhooks don’t have a strict ratelimit (I think it’s 60 requests per minute, which is 1 request per second)

This logs hours, minutes, and seconds, and the reason why I log hours is because it’ll just look weird if it says something like ‘65 minutes, 10 seconds’

this is really neat!

however, i heard discord doesn’t like people using their webhooks for too much logging and they’ve handed out warnings before.

overall really cool though :+1:t3:

… then it’s useless? You’d want to log player activity not staff activity.

And by warnings he meant to say deleted servers and terminated accounts.

This whole thing was made to log staff activity in a game, and you could log general player activity

It’s main target audience is role playing groups (like Nova Hotels, Hilton Hotels, etc) where they have a ranking system

Ok for example lets say i make a fps game and every time you get a kill the server logs this
PlayerThatKilled PlayerThatDied TimeOfKill
we can simply compare the time and if there are multiple kills in extreme quick succession then we can safely assume that the person is exploiting although this isnt really efficient but of course it can be refined. I hope you get an idea of what i mean. Again i understand this may not be efficient or practical but there are way to make it efficient if you want me to explain how i will.

This can’t really be done in a case where all you do is just drag and drop the script, as different gun systems are made differently

Multiple can mean many things, like let’s say I’m doing a 1v5 and I manage to kill all 5 in a quick amount of time, would I be considered exploiting if some admin saw the logs, so they wouldn’t know if I was just good rushing some team or I’m exploiting, and they might just false ban

good point I kinda took out the simple lol

@RealExoctic I think we can just modify it to our needs